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Tag: Health Insurance

Do Not Let Your Preventive Care Fall Through the Cracks

Do Not Let Your Preventive Care Fall Through the Cracks

Preventive care is an essential part of managing your health and ensuring you catch potential issues early on, so you can live a longer life. Not only will preventive care reduce your chances of developing a serious health condition, but you can obtain most of these services at no cost since most are covered by your health insurance. That means there is no reason for...

What Happens to My Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance After I Get Medicare?

What Happens to My Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance After I Get Medicare?

If you have employer-sponsored health insurance and you will soon be eligible for Medicare, you may be wondering what will happen to it once coverage kicks in. The short answer is yes, you can keep both the coverage provided by your employer as well as your Medicare. You can also choose to drop your employer’s health plan, but it is not a requirement. The size...

Health Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

Health Insurance Frequently Asked Questions

If you have questions about health insurance, we offer answers to some of the most common questions we hear from our clients. Which health insurance plan is the best? No health insurance plan is the best for everyone. Each individual and family has a unique situation with regard to income from work, the number of children, and medical conditions. Choosing the best health insurance requires...

6 Common Mistakes When Shopping for Health Insurance

6 Common Mistakes When Shopping for Health Insurance

We all need health insurance, but choosing the right coverage can be difficult. If you sign up for the wrong plan, you may discover your error when it is too late. Watch out for these five common mistakes: 1. Choosing a plan based on premium costs alone. If you have a health condition that requires ongoing medical care, you will likely be better served with...

Tips on Getting the Most Out of Your Health Insurance in 2023

Tips on Getting the Most Out of Your Health Insurance in 2023

With the cost of healthcare today, everyone needs health insurance. Even young, active, healthy people can be involved in an accident, contract a virus, or develop an infection. Without health insurance, the cost of a doctor visit can range from $300 to $600. A five-day hospital stay could cost more than $10,000, not including ambulance services, major procedures, or other charges. Health insurance premiums are...